Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week 9+10 - Five Edits w/ Sound

This is an edit of my 5 Master Edits, this time with music and sound effects.

I wanted to make a somewhat upbeat feel while preserving the original idea, and so when I found the stock music I would end up using, I saw it as a perfect fit. It felt like something you'd hear in a old edutainment game from the 90s. The sound effects were to add a slightly quirky feeling to the video as a whole, as well as to tie in with what the viewer physically was seeing in the video (i.e. the pixellated whoosh to match the fire transition). I kept most, if not all, of the non-diegetic sound in there - if you listen closely, especially in the part with the pouring water, you should be able to hear it. The sound effect in between the two fan shots was to bridge them together, with the effect implying acceleration. The sounds in between the numbers on the Leitmotif part was to create a feeling that they were changing abruptly.

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